Prioritizing Fundamentals: Engineer First, Programmer Second

Nelson John
February 10, 2024

In a world where trends come and go, and tools evolve rapidly, it's crucial to anchor ourselves in the timeless principles of engineering. As developers, it's easy to get swept up in the allure of the latest language or framework, but we must remember our foundational identity: we are engineers first and foremost.

While I have a strong affinity for Flutter/Dart and appreciate its capabilities, it's essential to recognize that these are merely tools in our arsenal. What truly sets us apart is our ability to solve problems effectively, irrespective of the specific language or framework we employ.

Trends will inevitably change, and languages may fall out of favor, but the fundamentals of programming will endure. By prioritizing a solid understanding of these basics, we equip ourselves with the adaptability to learn and master new tools as needed.

Even beloved tools like BLoC deserve scrutiny. While they may be effective in certain contexts, we must resist the temptation to shoehorn them into every problem we encounter. Instead, we should approach each challenge with a critical eye, selecting the tools and practices best suited to the task at hand.

So, let's reaffirm our commitment to the fundamentals of engineering. Let's remember that we are engineers first, programmers second. By doing so, we empower ourselves to navigate the ever-changing landscape of technology with confidence and competence.

Nelson John
App Development Expert

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